The unique Finishing School concept at Krupanidhi College of Management (KCM) has been developed by the Management and driven by a team of professional trainers with global exposure and backed by years of valuable experience. Starting from day one of the orientation program, students are taken through a learning phase spread over a period of 2 years and four semesters that incorporates the finishing School learning blended into academics.
The methodologies utilized are a balanced structure that help students meet the corporate demands. Extracurricular trainings and activities that are a part of most sessions, help the students associate the theory of most academics with the practical feel of the corporate world. A vast majority of students despite being university toppers still lack basic domain expertise, interpersonal and personal skills that stand as a barrier in helping them kick start the career of their choice. Ineffective presentation skills at job interviews, inability to exhibit professional expertise and approach towards responses are some of the common challenges faced. We address these concerns with introduction of adaption tools that overcome such challenges.
At KCM, students get a first-hand experience of soft-skills and development techniques. Presentation skills are enhanced through 100 presentations that are presented by each student over a two-year period, or 25 presentations per semester. Stage fear, confidence building and domain expertise are built up via this process which is gauged on an evaluation that comprises of vocabulary, attitude, dress code, body posture, domain expertise, sentence formation, accent, grammar and query handling. Presentations completed by students relate to self-introduction, entrepreneurs, current affairs and corporates.
Writing skills, interview skills and product knowledge expertise is evaluated via regular class sessions that utilize role plays, written assignments based on situations and regular mock interviews which constitute of scenarios, circumstances, and facts. Mock interviews are subject to detailed feedback for improvement and regular counselling for students to obtain maximum in terms of improvement. Mock Interviews are conducted based on specializations which relate to the dual specialization options and are tailor made for Information Technology, Finance, Human Resources, Marketing, Information Technology and Supply Chain Management.
The requirement for efficiency was identified to be inadequate in highly educated individuals, and this gradually gave rise to areas of concern as situations brought about solutions and remedies that were either stagnant or lacked the practical professional approach. The mid-nineties saw fast growth of globalization where one of the key tasks was to identify the relevant modes of communication and a common way of interacting which had become essential.
The finishing school of KCM is designed to improve the employability of the students and focus on bridging the gap between the campus and corporate field by adapting to the dynamic work environment. The holistic development of the student is taken through the Finishing School, which conducts a rigorous 2 years program, where a student is further polished.
The highly productive and result oriented Finishing School programs today cater not just to the high level of skill that is confined to technical or industry specific skills; it also applies to the soft skills of communication and creative thinking that are needed in effective managers and employees.
The aim and objective of Finishing School at Krupanidhi School of Management is to create a path which would transform its students into leaders of the future. World-class companies are always on the lookout for employees with outstanding leadership qualities, communication skills, and project management abilities. Our recent research confirms that these employment essentials would remain as a global priority for the next decade to come.
As a business professional, even though some of these critical skills may exist, yet the finishing school program gives you the power to have an edge over others and further refine these essential skills, thereby increasing competence, confidence, and marketability. Initial skill modules conducted throughout the first-year help to develop and cultivate these existing talents and hone them into valuable food for sustenance.
In addition to the above-mentioned criteria, our finishing school course prepares the student for a variety of complex and challenging business situations.
Module | Description | Methodology | Assessment |
Module 1
Building Self |
Self-Introduction, Handshake, Grooming, Body language, image building, confidence building. Dining Etiquette. Communication skill set (Difference between oral and written communication), General Knowledge. Extempore. Business news to be aware of current events. |
Icebreakers, Skits, Activities to promote and practice these skills. |
Grades based on five parameters. |
Module 2
Personality Development |
Attitude, Leadership Skills, Team building, listening skills, Time Management, Aptitude, Creativity, Thinking skills, problem solving. Conversational skills. |
Theory/ Activities. Written and presenting creatively, quizzes, debates. Inter class competitions. |
Assessment commences from day one and improvement |
Module 3
Written Communication |
Netiquette, Brief on Resume building, essay writing, Business Letters, job applications, memos, minutes of meeting, report writing, managerial letters. Spelling and grammatical concepts. Creative writing. | Group Activities. | Assignments, tests. |
Module 4
Presentation Skills |
Individual presentations to build confidence. Group presentations gradually on abstract and subject. |
Present on: 1. Country. 2. General. Habitat, population, languages spoken, dress, festivals, culture, food and lifestyle. Top companies and economic growth, employment status, travel and tourism. |
Presentations, Standard guideline: Eight slides per student. Marks captured will be on knowledge, personal presentation and parameters for a ppt. |
Module 5 Interview skills Campus to Corporate |
What is an interview? Competency based interviews, Group discussions, power dressing. Face to face interview. Pre and post interview process, interview mistakes, interview assessment sheet. Corporate etiquette. Personal and professional profiling. |
Mock interview, Aptitude tests. | Assessment conducted by Department of Career Services and L&D department. |
Module 6 International Etiquette |
Greeting. Dining Etiquette. Dress for the occasion. . Cross cultural etiquette. Formal and Informal meetings. |
Practical. Activities and dress for the occasion day. | Competitions based on the country. |
Add on Activities | Faculty vs. Student, color days, ethnic days, Book Clubs,contests, songs, movie day. | – | – |
While companies normally offer some courses in their different specializations (such as health, construction, logistics), we found that very few offered their workers and employees training in the variety of soft skills that might maximize effectiveness. It is not uncommon to encounter very good professionals who have difficulty organizing effective meetings, write never-ending to-do lists, have poor presentation skills, and are unable to handle conflict among their co-workers, or did not fulfil their priorities.
As a response to address these challenges, the Finishing School Program from KCM came into existence. We just don’t teach and explain the basic soft skills but employ teaching logic that can assist the student in achieving the goals of their organization and enhance their professional careers.